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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Free eBOOK Essentials of Ramadhan

Essential of Ramadhan The Fasting Month
by Tajuddin B. Shu'aib

Fasting, or siyaam, has two meanin gs. Generally, siyaam or sawm, is derived from the root sama, to restrain from normal things, such as eating, drinking, and talking. If an individual refrains from these things, he is considered saaim, the observer of fast. Al-Qur'an uses the word generally when it revealed the conversation between the angel and Mary, the mother of Jesus,
as the angel instructed her: “...And if you do see any man, say, ‘I have vowed to remain silent for Allah.’ ”(Al- Qur'an 19:26)

The phrase “to remain silent” is the interpretation of the Arabic word, “sawm.” The reason for this interpretation is that “sawm” cannot mean fast, i.e. restraint from food, because Mary had just been told to eat from the palm tree. This general meaning is common in the Arabic language.

In the Shari'ah, Islamic law, the word “sawm” means and im-plies a specific act, that, is, “to worship Allah, abstaining, with intention to please Him from fast breakers, such as physical nourishment, food, drink, and sex ual inter course or a lustful discharge of semen from the period between the b reak of dawn until sundown.

As this definition implies, the Islamic fasting is total abstinence from any food particles passing through the mouth or nose, as well as drinks of an y kind - water, milk, juices, etc. - along with abstinence from sexual association during the day that commences from the break of dawn till sunset.
Although the definition indicates restr aining the stomach and private parts, the ton gue, eyes, ears and other limbs are equally obligated to be restrained if the faster wants to gain the total ...
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